Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Food For Thought

Just as I was a student, I looked forward for breaktime everyday I go to school. The process is like this. Wake up at 6.30am, look at schedule, fight the urge of skipping school, if urge not strong enough, wash face, wear uniform then off to school. The only motivation I manage to find each day is breaktime because in my alma mater, there are a whooping 10 different stores to choose from. Note.... stores, not dishes. Anyway, I digress. The fact is that the process of going to school still remains the same except that i wake up a little later... at 7am. I still look forward for the breaktime, although now there was only a store selling. The reason is simple. The malay dishes there are simply delicious. It was to die for.

I recall the first time I made the attempt to enter the canteen. I think it was the second day of work. I was shy and didn't explore the school much. Anyways, people working in this school is accustomed to free meal. Once every 2 weeks someone from the office will 'buy the canteen' out and the teachers there eat for free. I was lucky. It happened on the 2nd day and thus begins the love story of a teacher with the food.

One teacher, Mr Thandapani told me that anyone who work there is guaranteed good food for their entire years. I couldn't agree more. Who can forget the Ayam Rendang, Daging masak pedas and kari ikan there?


Blogger Gine said...

You're still writing about the days when you worked as a temporary teacher? Wow, those memories remained fresh huh? =)

3:48 AM  

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